Auto Dealership Expert Witness

Tom Owings has excellent verbal and written communication skills and is able to organize and present subjects in an interesting and effective manner.
Executive Profile
Mr. Owings has been employed in the field of automobile retail sales since 1976. In total, he has worked in auto dealership management, including compliance, finance and accounting, for 36 years. Over the course of his career in the auto business, he has experience in every facet of the auto industry and consistently produced sustained revenue & profit growth in one of the country’s most challenging markets.
He has a demonstrated ability to convey information effectively and has excellent verbal and written communication skills. He is able to organize and present subjects in an interesting and effective manner. Additionally, Mr. Owings possesses an exceptional ability to use logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems.
Mr. Owings has twenty years’ experience as a member of a nationally renowned Dealer Twenty Group sharing best practices and perfecting the use of benchmarks as a management tool to measure the effectiveness of an organization’s methods in order to prevent paradigm blindness and improve dealership’s processes and profitability.
Over the course of his career in the auto business, he been involved in over 50,000 retail transactions and thousands of wholesale transactions and has dealt with hundreds of banks in connection with assignments of auto loans and has negotiated the purchase or the sale of five dealerships.
Mr. Owings has provided Expert Witness, Consultation and Case Preparation services in litigation. His last assignment was in a very high profile case which resulted in a $46 million dollar verdict.
Recently, in the first California Supreme Court case focusing extensively on the Automobile Sales Finance Act in over 50 years, the California Supreme Court unanimously ruled in favor of Mr. Owings’ client. Mr. Owings provided extensive case planning and expert witness testimony at trial. The California New Car Dealers Association's Dealer Alert stated, “In an era where it seems so many court decisions haven't gone the way of dealers, yesterday's unanimous decision in favor of the dealership was both a surprising and sweeping victory…”
University of Southern Oregon, Ashland, OR
Graduated Cum Laude
University of Southern Oregon, Ashland, Oregon
Graduated Cum Laude
American Military University, Charles Town, WV
Currently Enrolled